
Securing the Small Business Rebate

Updates made to Small Securing Small Business Rebate Program.

Recognizing the increased costs to businesses due to property crime and vandalism in rural and urban communities across the province, the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation has launched its $10.5 million Securing Small Business Rebate Program, which will provide small businesses with funds for eligible commercial property crime and vandalism repairs, or to implement eligible preventative measures.

The  Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce will assist the BC Chamber of Commerce in its communication of this program as well as try and answer any questions you may have.  The administration will be completed the BC Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with its partner, Price Waterhouse Cooper.

The Program timeline and more detailed information is available here…

Key Dates and Key Information you should know…. The above page also has a full list of FAQ’s that we highly recommend reading.  

1) The Portal opens to applicants on November 22, 2023
2) Businesses can apply for the Reparative Grant 2 times (once in the calendar year of 2023 and once in 2024 and the funding is back dated to January 1, 2023)- This means if you have not received an alternative, local rebate or grant to cover the same expense, you may apply for incidents earlier this year)

To be eligible for either rebate, businesses should be in good standing with the Province of British Columbia and should not have received an alternative, local rebate or grant to cover the same expense.
3) A police incident report or file number is a requirement of the Reparative stream.
4) You may only apply for the Preventative Stream once- 2023 or 2024.  If you have made improvements to your building in 2023 and want to be reimbursed, this would apply.  If you have not due to funding, you have access to $1000 for the remainder of this year or 2024.

The Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce will be looking to host an information session for those wanting more information or who have questions regarding this rebate program on November 20th, 2023 at 10am.  This event will be virtual and details can be found on our event page. 

Please feel free to reach out to Leanna at [email protected] with your questions. Or you can directly email the program at  [email protected]

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